Lipoedema Ladies

Notice: Lipoedema Ladies is in no way associated or linked with any other Lipoedema group in the UK.
Copyright (economic rights and moral rights) and Trademark protected as Lipoedema Ladies. Identified as author is Michelle Ellis and infringemnet of copyrights or Trademark may bring an action for civil copyright infringement. Deliberate copyright infringement may be a criminal offence.

Many thanks to our supporters of The Big Meet
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! and we will be saying it and sending our thanks as often as we can!
With your support we aim to do our very best in raising awareness of Lipoedema and supporting ladies with Lipoedema We are so grateful for your donations, follows, retweets, and direct messages, THANK YOU.

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“I have to say it was one of the most organized events I have ever been to, so to say it was only the 2nd meet up is amazing.”
Mary Fickling, Director of PhysioPod ® UK Limited