Lipoedema Ladies

Notice: Lipoedema Ladies is in no way associated or linked with any other Lipoedema group in the UK.
Copyright (economic rights and moral rights) and Trademark protected as Lipoedema Ladies. Identified as author is Michelle Ellis and infringemnet of copyrights or Trademark may bring an action for civil copyright infringement. Deliberate copyright infringement may be a criminal offence.

Food fit for a party...
Nothing makes me happier in life, than having my friends and family sitting around the table on a Sunday for a long lazy lunch. I always try to make things that I can eat and they will enjoy, as there is no need for anyone to miss out of tasty food just because I have food intolerances.

Serves 10/12 people
I love this cake and the last time I made it there wasn’t a crumb left by the end of the meal and everyone was looking for seconds. It’s very rich, moist and reminds of my North African Adventures. Unfortunately this is not low carb as you do need to use something to sweeten this, but it is a treat for a high day or holiday. Almond flour is also a lot cheaper in your local Asian Shop than the Supermarket
300g Ground Almonds
250g of Coconut Sugar
2 tspn of Baking powder
5 Eggs
200ml Virgin Olive Oil
7 tbspns of Agave Syrup
Grated zest and juice of 1 Large Orange
Grated zest and juice of ½ Lemon
3 Cloves
3 Cinnamon Sticks
Double Cream or Greek Yogurt with Cinnamon stirred through to serve
8” Spring form pan lined with silicone/ greaseproof paper
Preheat Oven to 180C (Gas 4).
In a bowl mix the ground almonds, sugar and baking powder.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the Eggs, Virgin Olive Oil, 2tspn of Agave syrup, Orange and Lemon Zest.
Pour this mixture into the dry ingredients and combine together till smooth.
Pour the cake mixture into the prepared baking tin and bake in a preheat oven for 35-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Tip- If the top looks like it’s going to burn cover with a bit of silicone/ greaseproof paper till ready
Once ready remove cake from oven.
Allow to cool slightly.
Make the syrup by putting Orange and Lemon Juice and the other 5 tbspn of Agave syrup, with the cinnamon sticks and cloves in a pan, bring to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
Allow the syrup to cool slightly and drizzle over the cake using a metal spoon and allow it to absorb.
Arrange the cinnamon sticks on top for Decoration.
Serve with your Cream or Yoghurt of choice.

Serves 6
These are great for pre dinner drinks or parties or a starter. They are made from gram (chickpea) flour and are made in the South of France. They are wheat and gluten free. Gram flour can be bought easily and cheaply at your local Asian Shop.
150gm Chickpea flour
380ml Water
3 tbspn of Olive Oil
½ tspn of Salt
½ tspn of Turmeric
Sunflower Oil for cooking
Instead of the Turmeric you can use the following to flavour them too ( 1 tbspn chopped fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano), ½ tspn spice (chilli powder, cumin, smoked paprika,)
Sift the gram flour into a bowl and add the salt, turmeric.
Slowly add the water whisking all the time until all the water has been added breaking up any lumps of flour as you go.
Add the olive oil and stir.
Heat a little Sunflower oil in a non-stick frying pan until hot
Pour a ladle of the batter into the pan moving it so the mixture spreads to the edges
Once the middle has tiny bubbles in it, loosen the pancake with fish slice and turn.
Cook for a further two minutes until centre looks cooked.
Remove from Pan on to a plate.
Repeat until all batter is used.
Use the following toppings to cover them-
Handful of pitted black and green olives chopped into small chunks
2 tbspn freshly chopped parsley
1 red onion finely chopped
Liberally scatter the chopped olive and parsley and onion over the pancakes, Season with sea salt and ground pepper and squeeze of lemon juice.
Cut pancakes into the wedges or you can roll them in to big cigars and then slice in to cartwheels.

Serves 8
This is a one pot dish which I love, easy to make and easy to clean up afterwards and lets you enjoy your guests.
8 Chicken thighs (skin on and bone in)
1 Chorizo Ring cut into chunks
1 Red Onion
1 Butternut Squash skin removed, de- seeded and cut into chunks
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Zest of 2 Lemons
Fresh Marjoram Leaves
2 fresh Red Peppers (you can substitute 90g skinned roasted red peppers from a jar)
45g Blanched Hazelnuts
45g Blanched Almonds
90ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 Garlic Cloves
2 slices Brown Gluten Free Bread made into Breadcrumbs
2 tspns Smoked Paprika
Place Chicken thighs, Chorizo, Onion and Butternut Squash onto a roasting tray drizzle with Olive oil and sprinkle with lemon zest, salt and pepper, and handful of marjoram leaves.
Place is preheated oven at 200°C( Gas 6).
Cook in oven for 45 minutes; make sure that the juices are running clear in the chicken thighs.
Whilst in the Chicken and Chorizo are in the Oven make the Romesco Sauce. (I often make this the day before as it taste better the next day )
For the Romesco-style sauce
Cut the peppers into quarters and place them on a grill rack, skin-side upwards. Place the peppers under the hot grill and grill until the skins are black and blistered, about 10-12 minutes.
Transfer the peppers into a re-sealable plastic bag and seal the top (the steam created will loosen the skins and make the peppers easier to peel). Allow the peppers to cool. When cool, peel off and discard the skins.
For the hazelnuts and almonds preheat the oven to 200C (Gas 6). Place them onto a baking tray and place into the oven. Toast the nuts for 3 minutes (set a timer, because they burn quickly), then remove from the oven.
Heat a frying pan with two tablespoons of the olive oil.
Finely chop of the garlic cloves.
Fry the gluten free breadcrumbs until golden-brown, drain on kitchen paper.
Add the toasted, hazelnuts and almonds to the bowl of a food processor. Tip in the roasted, peeled peppers (or the peppers from a jar, drained), the chopped garlic, the smoked paprika, red wine vinegar and then add the bread crumbs.
Process the ingredients together until finely chopped to a thick paste, scraping down the sides with a spatula as necessary. Keep the motor running and gradually trickle in four tablespoons of water, then the remaining oil. Taste and adjust seasoning. Scrape the sauce into a bowl and cover with cling film until ready to serve.
Once the Chicken is ready place the mixture onto a big serving dish and top with the Romesco Sauce